Sunday, March 4, 2018

Comfort is the Greatest Enemy of Progress!

Hola to All My Dear Friends.

Again, I have found some time to write of something that came across my path. Every time I wonder how I get inspired to write content that would provide food for your soul. As a Christian, believer of Jesus Christ, my inspiration comes from his word. However, there are instance that really gets my attention to Write I believe that sheds some light to the darkness life can bring.

We have a million dreams that we wish that they would come alive. I think that the vision we encompass in our lives are nothing but real, only if we keep going. We all start very well at anything we passionately pursue, which is very good but what really matters is how you keep going and how well we finish. Keep that fire burning till we achieve our goal.

When finally success knocks at the door, we accept it wide open. This is true in my life too. All the struggles and hardship that molded me to come out of the fiery furnace of life. The end product was a personality that would face anything in front of me, the good the bad and the ugly. I am ready at life whatever it throws at me, I can say I have seen worse to any circumstance or situation. For me the true companionship with the living God has done all the much I ever needed.

One instance that comes to my mind is when I was attending this English class which was taught by a Britisher, when we did the mock exams badly she would always say "cheer up, its not the end of the world". I used the phrase as comfort when things don't go right, but later in life I have realized even if the world ends, I have no fear over it, because the walls that holding me up are not my might but by the spirit of God.

Whenever things are going smooth and you are at your comfort zone, it’s a sign that your progress has been vandalized, change is taken a back seat and monotony is the way of things in your life. My Dad used to say, "Nothing to Lose but a World to Win" how true it is. Just step outside your comfort zone and realize that there is a whole world outside. You have so many things you can do. Let your bright colors of imagination take shape and eventually come to life.

Check out the movie “The Greatest Showman” it shows how misery and success can get into your head if you are not careful to remember how it all started. Let the spot light not blind you!

Cheers and Stay Blessed!