Saturday, July 11, 2015

Are you a super Hero?

Greetings my fellow Readers,

It has been awhile since I have written anything, much has happened and I have earned valuable experiences that time has shown me. They say "Time is a healer" it is very true. It does mold you and make you to be stronger than the day, the hour, and the minute that has passed.

What can I say, all the secret struggle all the secret pain all the secret tears has finally turned into the life I envied in my dreams to be the reality I am now. When I look back at the rugged life, I am amazed how God can do so much of change in a person’s life. He has always been the director of the movie I am in, titled Life!

When you keep fighting all your life to just to make it, keeping your head up is not easy, sometimes it feels impossible. However if you don't face your trouble, pain and all the hurt you will not be able to see the tracks you have paved through to be the Super Hero you have become. 

I have learned and experienced that with you it’s one person but if God is with you then you are the Majority. Who can come against you :-) Amen!

Today I want to share a beautiful story of two kids who just wanted to eat a Pizza! It sounds just a simple thing right. But wait till I tell you the story... This heart whelming story is taken from true events. I saw this on a Tamil Movie I watched recently "Kaaka Muttai".

The story starts showing how two brothers who live in the poorest place in the city of one of the Indian States, Chennai. The slumps is their home, living in just one small room. They share it with their Father, Mother and Grandmother. They live life care free. 

One fine day, the kids witness an opening ceremony of a Pizza Restaurant, with great curiosity they find out that a Pizza Cost 300 rupees (about 5 US Dollars). This sum is not affordable, not even their parents can give.

So these kids decide to earn this money by working. They save 10 rupees per day, they collect coal rubbles from railway tracks and sell them. It’s a hard job but their will to eat that Pizza makes them invincible. Finally they collect the money, the big day has come. So they approach the Pizza restaurant, however the security guard stops them entering the restaurant he chases them away. The kids are upset and ask one of their friends why they have been chased out. The kids find out because they look so shabby and dirty they are not allowed, it’s not their fault and makes them frustrated. 

The Kids did not lose hope, if new clothes is what’s needed to buy the Pizza then they will earn that as well. It takes another month of hard work and finally they buy the clothes. All geared up now ready to buy the Pizza, this time when they get near the entrance the same security guard stops them. They are not allowed to enter, the kids are upset and question the security guard. Then the Manager of the restaurant comes and beats the Kids and say "this is no place for people like you". The two brothers are chased out, this makes them really upset and sad. 

This incident gets caught on camera and the media makes a story out of it. Fearing the consequences that the restaurant may face, the kids are called back to have any Pizza they like and it’s free for them.

Finally the kids get to taste the Pizza, after all that turmoil and hardship the kids get to their destination. After having couple of bites of the Pizza the brother tells the other brother "It does not taste that well, I don’t like it. Don’t know how people eat this" the other brother replies " I agree" and smile to each other.

The End. 

The story has much more details in the movie, I just took the base of the movie to show the readers of this blog to know. If you have the time, please do take a look at this movie, it’s worth the time. You will realize all the things we take for granted in life. 

I know I have gone away from the Title of this Blog ;-) but let me show how it connects.

If you have been walking in all the broken dreams in your life and realize that you have been fighting all your life to see them come true. Let me tell you that "Don't give up the Fight" things will come to pass. Just keep paving your way through. When you look back at your tracks, you will find out that only a Super Hero can do what you have done. 

An inspirational music video for you, 

"Don't Stop Believing!!!" 

God Bless...........