Saturday, March 16, 2013

Taking a turn in a corner

Hi my dear fellow friends thank for being nice to me by visiting my site maybe even you took the time to read J, I can tell because there is a statistic reader for each page visit, just in case you were curiousJ.

It has been sometime since I have written, so the urge and maybe the interesting events that taking place in my life at the moment inspires me to write what I am writing....

Taking a turn in a corner

Life is has own way of teaching us of life itself, hope It make sence... Time is a healer but the craziest part is it will not wait for anyone. So I guess patience is one of the keys in life’s unrelieved doors to open.

I can say with many agreeing with me that life does not turn out to be exactly what we expect from it to be (Our Dreams in Life) the good or the bad.

It’s a thin line between the dreams we have in life and “Life” itself. If you believe enough I think your dreams are not too far away from you.

Today I had a conversation with a very “interesting” person, I have been having on and off conversations with this person but today it was very different.

I really believe I have a met a very honest person, even though we have our diplomatic ways of keeping our distance but even through that I saw a person who was very genuine.

Taking decisions in life is very important, it’s no mystery for anyone and however the trick is taking the correct one. For me it’s easy, because I believe in God the saviour Jesus Christ who does all my “Taking turns in any corner” he has always beeen right, and when I look back of the mess and heartache I went through, It is very vivid that God had a plan for me, it’s like putting the puzzles in the correct places.

Life has given me a second chance just because of My God Grace and mercy. I really hope I can cherish this with integrity and sincerity towards My God, Jesus Christ.

As Always I want my readers to understand the moral of something I believe is true and is within us. This Time I chose to Tell you about a movie called “ The Impossible” I encourage all my fellow readers to watch it.

Just to highlight, one scene from the movie which really stirred my conscious. The Scene as follows:

A Family who happend to spend their vacation in Koyo which I believe is close to Japan or Indonesia. On a Christmas even in 2004 when the tsunami occurred where hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Anyways getting back to the story this family also got strangled to the tsunami, in one particular scene where out the family only the son and mother who survive during the that part of the movie scene, the relentlessly effort to look for a safe haven before the next wave come in. They spot a huge tree which is the only safe place they had, they knew they didn’t have much time so they had to hurry for the tree to climb up. With wounds and blood spilling injuries they were making their way through, however while getting to the tree, they hear a scream from a distance, it’s  maybe 3 or 4 year Childs voice. Realizing that they don’t have enough time and the tension of another wave, the sons tries to convince the mother to ignore the Childs scream and head for the tree, but this where it gets very interesting. The mother looks right into her son’s eye and says “We have to save the child, even if it’s the last thing we do.”  For me it was a real wow factor, I very rarely come across people who have attitudes /character like that but you do find people like that.

Also guys this movie is based on a true story J

I doubt in our daily lives how much we do to go out of our way to help or talk some kind words to people who really need them. Just give a thought; I am sure there is a Good person in everybody in this planet.

It’s the initial step we take, rather than telling ourselves, “I almost helped that person/spoke to that person in need” why don’t you for change actually trying doing it. Start somewhere big or small I promise you will not regret it at all!!

God Bless you my friends,

Leaving you guyz with the movie trailer “The Impossible” if you have the free time just watch it, might be an eye-opener for you, who knows J

God Bless and take care of yourself so that you can help someone elseJ.
