Saturday, February 2, 2013

“Inattention Blindness”

Hi All,

Greetings to my fellow readers....

After very hectic month at work, finally got some time to write. So much of things happened during the last month, I experienced, learned a lot of things also meet very interesting people as well.

So thought might share some incite/information of these encounters I had, pretty sure you will find it interesting.

This Blog is more or less like a life journal for me, cos me being an IT professional not having a Tech related blog is "A Thing" :-)

Anyways let me start off with this person I met during this last month, This person is a Christian and the belief in God is very strong.

We had a long chat one day, this person opened up to me and told the things "this person :-) " has gone through. While this person was talking or rather telling me about the life this person went through, I was very much emotionally triggered, in the sense with empathy and admiration.

Just to tell you the story in a nut shell, this person had, life and death situations, rejection, helpless, sickness, not much of opportunity even though this person had all the talent to achieve and finally this person was an orphan.

But Now this person is full of joy in the lord. Living without any regret and trusting God for only for today (The Present) not worried about the future.

After hearing this persons life story, it made me humble myself and made me to look life in a very different perspective.

I know you must be wondering where are the details of the story.... Well guyz I need to respect that persons confidentiality that's why.

What I am trying to say is Life can be very fun or even the opposite, I believe the core element of having a Happy life is understanding who we really are and what really can give others rather than what really want, because the confusion starts when try to figure out what really we want...

I believe Jesus Christ the Son of God has saved us from all our sins and sharing a Christ Centered life with our Family, Friends and Loved ones are very Important.

The Story of the person had a very strong relationship with God, "This Person" had a "never give up" attitude towards the things faced, meanwhile clinging on the Best Help a person can get from "The Lord".

Finally going to leave you with clip I found on You tube. Its very interesting how easily we can be distracted/blinded. This can be true in our daily lives too. Keep the good Fight on Guyz, for God is Good All The Time, All Time God Is Good!!!


“Inattention Blindness”