Saturday, April 21, 2012


An oxymoron (plural oxymorons or oxymora) (from Greek ὀξύμωρον, "sharp dull") is a figure of speech that combines contradictory terms. Oxymorons appear in a variety of contexts, including inadvertent errors such as ground pilot and literary oxymorons crafted to reveal a paradox.

Examples of oxymora of this kind are:
Source (Wikipedia)

I really don't know how much of this I am going to write on the blog as I am starting to write, but I very I'm sure it should be written. Did that make any sense......

Moving on The word Oxymoron, I heard this word in Church, it was a sermon and out that sermon right now, I only remember that word  and few hours ago didnt remember the meaning of it either....

I love watching movies that are different, very clever and creative. They have a a message only if you closely watch to understand what it is. Some of the movies I can think of right now are "A Beautiful Mind", "Life is Beautiful", "Pursuit of Happiness", "Rocky 1" the later versions were clearly for commercial purpose...."Seven Pounds", "Pumping Iron", "50/50", "Passion of Christ" if have seen al these movies by now you know what I am talking rather writing about :-)

Today I watched this movie "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close", I picked that movie because I know if Tom Hanks is acting he doing it cause its worth it... This does not measure in Money-Tory value.....  :-)

"The Terminal" and "Forest Gump" were good movies too... I am writing as it pops up.... Being Spontaneous here..... :-)

The Other day I had a chat with one of my very good friends we haven't kept in touch for a long time and we just had a chat conversation just out of the blue....

The Topic was God... Yeh I know religion not very attractive for many out there but yes we did talk about it...

He was explaining me how he had reasoned it out, yeh God/Religion... He quoted Albert Einsteins last words of wisdom about religion or something like that..... I respect his belief... mine is contradictory....

I am Christian and I believe in a Living God called Jesus. I have been taught this ever since I can remember whatever I can remember from my childhood.

Its the way I am brought up that makes me who I am.... Hmm...... Maybe subconsciously whatever/Everything I do could be true... But there is more to it than the sentence which was followed by this one.....

Anyway the point is....... Exactly....

Those dotted lines are yours to fill them up. Oxymoron think about it.

Okay by know if you haven't able to understand what I am trying to tell, then please don't bother getting into conclusions. Because I know for a fact that a sentence cannot be started with "because".


Whats "IN IT" for you... I have mentioned some good movies, you should watch them... You will see things differently.

Let me finish with the last peice of garnish "Nonsense its an Oxymoron"....

Au Revoir... Amigos..

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

 Movie Trailer: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close tells the story of one young boy's journey from heartbreaking loss to the healing power of self-discovery, set against the backdrop of the tragicevents of September 11. Eleven-year-old Oskar Schell is an exceptional child: amateur inventor, Francophile, pacifist. And after finding a mysterious key that belonged to his father, who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11, he embarks on an exceptional journey--an urgent, secret search through the five boroughs of New York. As Oskar roams the city, he encounters a motley assortment of humanity, who are all survivors in their own ways.

Tom Hanks
Sandra Bullock
James Gandolfini
John Goodman
Viola Davis

Director: Stephen Daldry

Genre: Drama

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Life's 6 Rules

Found something interesting from my FB page... One of my Friends had posted it. Its an amazing speech by Arnold. The first time I knew about Arnold was when I was doing my O/Levels.... I watched a documentary called "Pumping Iron". 

It was for "Mr. Olympia" how the athletes train for it in the gym and stuff like that. I have seen Arnold before in movies when I was a kid but never knew him as Arnold, I used to call him Commando, because of the movie...

Without any further a due let me present the link..... Check it out.....

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rain on a Saturday.......

An off day from office... Just relaxing and enjoying the cool breeze from the rain. Last few days were really hot and the rain really helped things cool down....

Just wanted share some interesting stuff... Today Google has dedicated its "Google" image to Robert Doisneau... A French Photographer... For more details you just Google..... Pretty inspiring story cause this guy pursued what he loved to do, I recon... and after 100 years world over will get to know his passion. 

Also check out this new Gadgematic.... It's diverse functionality is pretty kewl....

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Its not how much you get, its how much you share.....

It’s not how much you get, it’s how much you share, it makes a lot of sense in whatever Scenario. I admit it’s hard to practice what you preach, but you can get satisfied by trying it step at time....

Start with a smile to everyone you meet.....

Check this song out.

Listen to the lyrics……. Cheers..... :-)

Apple launches latest iPad with 4G - Videos | ZDNet

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shaken by the tremors waken by rumors and standing by the TV.

Shaken by the tremors waken by rumors and standing by the TV.... Yesterday it no ordinary day for the people who lived along the Indian ocean. There was a TSUNAMI alert and our country the paradise island Sri Lanka was on the list. However by God grace there was no devastation to anybody caused, but it reminds us that life is not to hold on to but its about letting it go, hope your getting my norm.

As most of you know why the TSUNAMI didn't occur let give some enlightenment if you didn't know why there was no TSUNAMI.... Obviously its Gods Grace... sounds crazy yes I know... Well then lets be educated and understand why.... :-) the earth quake did have a high magnitude of 8.7 in the rector scale but the plates shifted in the different directions from which we experienced in 2004. In this case, the plates moved more horizontally, and therefore a large tsunami was not generated.

Anyways everyday every minute we should thank  God for what he has given us and be content of how much more we have in life rather the materiel things that disguises itself with illusion.

Something to thing about:

You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, 
Love like you'll never be hurt, 
Sing like there's nobody listening, 
And live like it's heaven on earth.
~ William W. Purkey

Be character rather than being an actor........
the famous Damian Chelverajan:-)

Peace my Friends.... God Bless...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Just Got Started.

Another Day Started and almost to end and finishing up the final touches in office, found the time to Blog. Being in the IT field and not writing about my views bothered me for sometime. Therefore the big bang..... I really don't know what I am going to write about in future, however definitely its gonna be different and interesteing at-least from my perspective . :-)